.. This file is derived from a file of the same name in the CPython devguide and will receive updates from the CPython guide by merging. .. _silencewarnings: Silence Warnings From the Test Suite ==================================== .. warning:: At present, this is not much modified from the CPython base. When running Python's test suite, no warnings should result when you run it under :ref:`strenuous testing conditions ` (you can ignore the extra flags passed to ``test`` that cause randomness and parallel execution if you want). Unfortunately new warnings are added to Python on occasion which take some time to eliminate (e.g., ``ResourceWarning``). Typically the easy warnings are dealt with quickly, but the more difficult ones that require some thought and work do not get fixed immediately. If you decide to tackle a warning you have found, open an issue on the `issue tracker`_ (if one has not already been opened) and say you are going to try and tackle the issue, and then proceed to fix the issue. .. _issue tracker: https://bugs.python.org